Supplier diversity professionals often look to their colleagues across industries to gain insights into ways to improve their own program practices, grow opportunities for diverse-owned businesses, and maximize available resources to achieve their goals. Access a sourcing funnel of all the information into an aggregator and centralized location.
New reinforce agencies are reviewing strategies on a centralized dataset— stand-out strategies that are shaping the future of supplier diversity are coming. The ability to have ease and accessibility to see services and compare diverse suppliers and leverage best practices while launching sustainable.
Commitment from senior leaders is paramount along with goals and accountability is critical. In addition measuring increased commitment with transparency.
Company Learning Objectives:
Discover effective ways to build a new and relevant business case for supplier diversity and how to best engage internal champions.
Learn about useful tools, resources, and strategies essential to help drive positive results.
Understand how organizations are continuing to advance supplier inclusion on the global stage. Disability and inclusion learning on demand
Start with International Supplier Diversity and continue to build on it. Follow her supplier base.